Love in the time of Corona - Head pie meme collection #10

Welcome to the tenth installment of the Head pie memes.

Series number ten is dubbed -
 ‘Love in the time of Corona’.

Pie so serious?

Once again the memes regularly appear daily on Head pies Facebook group and instagram account for better or worse.

Its a mix of various themes and `imaginatings`.

Riffing constantly on the #headpiesucks storyline, satire and parody of the audio world at large.

*Many of the memes are best understood in context of the meme collections as a whole. all oops 1000+ or so of them. Appearing daily...

Head pie hard at work creating daily memes whilst the reviewing section suffers - i am turning down more review units than i accept still.
Family first, then paying work and also cultivating other hobbies.

The advertising is still nil, as per 98% of other  reviewers out there - and as usual with 97% of reviewers - still no cash paid for the  crappy word salad reviews. (“What i thought you guys got paid!?!”  - nope).

‘Its a hobby..’ - that takes a lot of time and energy.

I should STILL move to wordpress but meh, i am too lazy....

Enjoy. Are we having fun yet!??

Historical documents:

Memes part 7 - Past caring

Apiecalypse Nao - 8

Lazarus - 9

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