Past caring - Meme extravaganza # 7

Welcome to the seventh installment of the Head pie memes.

Number seven `Past caring` - its just gets worse and worse (read: better and better).

Pie so serious?

Once again the memes regularly appear daily on Head pies Facebook group and instagram account for better or worse.

Its a mix of various themes and `imaginatings`.

Riffing constantly on the #headpiesucks storyline, satire and parody of the audio world at large.

*Many of the memes are best understood in context of the meme collections as a whole. all oops 1000 or so of them.

Memes: Part one
Creative, fun and funny

Memes: Part three
a bonanza of crud and edginess

Memes: Part two (short)
short n sour

Mega Memes part 4 - teh age of  #headpiesucks

Memes part 5 - The salty series

Memes part 6 - Tentatively titled `The end is nigh` for various reasons.

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