Welcome to Head pie Awards 2020.

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If you are a veteran of some of the past awards online ceremonies at Head pie you know we do things differently.
This years award template is from the 2017 awards article https://www.headpie.net/2017/10/head-pie-awards-2017.html?m=1
It follows in the satire of that article in that in that case it was ‘everyone wins’ - which seems to be the case for a lot of audio awards.
2020 the year of CoVid-19 or Coronavirus or whatever... its sucks.
This year has been a difficult one worldwide for all in a myriad of ways too lengthy to list.
But this is a an audio site, one that went from casual, to semi serious reviewing, too disappearing up its own butt hole, to satire, parody and eventual dadaist surrealism tinged with situationalism with a dash of impending doom and entropy... but always with a sense of humor and looking for the good. But essentially a lazy soma induced enthusiast site these days...
So this years awards celebrates all those audio enthusiasts, music lovers, musicians, audiophiles (or which ever term you prefer) and surrounding support systems, from the companies with their many employees of different roles and expertise, to the large and small shop owners and distributors, online shops, to the manufacturers and their workers, to the delivery people, to those who take time to write reviews or give impressions, to those who are helpful on forums, to those who spend hours taking measurements and making frequency graphs, to those who love taking photos, to those who go by their ears, to the iem, earbud or headphone fans, to the portable or home system fans, concert bands, crews and venues, audio show organizers and participants, to anyone who contributes by creating something,...anything or through positive participation in loving either the gear, the music or both.
This ones for you.
Add your name here:
Stay safe, so we can enjoy each others company and the music 🎶 in 2021.
Love from
Head pie
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