my good companion in the cafe :D AK120 II + topping NX1 modified + c6iem v2 with hybrid cable (4 b…
Lots of good points in his write up:…
'Loving the Alien'. After 120 hours into the Shozy Alien I am enjoying it more everyday. Ea…
DITA - The Truth, special brass limited edition. DITA do it again. These IEMs are simply gorge…
I would like to share one of my collections. An article by Agung Haskara. The limited editio…
Daniel finally received his COZOY Aegis in the mail. See here for the giveaway we held. http://…
Chord & Major review (Rock) major 8`13 and (Ballad) Major 6`13.…
ubsound The Dreamer and The Fighter. Getting some hours on them before starting the review.
ibasso DX80 and Chord Hugo - Ren Lazibal. And CCPH custom cable by Ren…